Closet Organizing And Beautification

by | Organizing

Closet organizing is what clients mostly want included when they hire me to help declutter their homes. Many people are overwhelmed and don’t know where to begin, so I’ve included some tips below that I hope you will find useful. And of course I am here to work by your side.

Given our complicated and busy lifestyles, it is no mystery that people often feel embarrassed or overwhelmed by the state of their closets, or to speak of the condition of their homes. It’s usually when they cannot find what they need that they relent and call me.

I want to reassure you that it is not a matter to feel bad about when you need the help of a professional. Let’s tell the truth, our clothes and accessories are of vital importance in our lives, and having a closet that’s organized and beautiful is a precious gift.

Imagine going into your closet and finding the exact clothes you need so you can get dressed and go out the door without having to stare at a mess or chaotic pile of clothes. Gone is the frustration and aggravation that many people constantly live in. We all deserve to have a closet that serves

Here are some tips:

°  Use the same exact hangers. This will be calming and beautiful
°  Hang clothes from light colors to dark colors
°  Organize your closet by seasonal wear
°  Coordinate blouses from short sleeve to long sleeve
°  Have a section for shirts, another for skirts, another for dresses
°  Take out all the clothes you haven’t worn in 2 years or longer
°  Remove the clothes that are not current or your size
°  Don’t be sentimental, if you don’t wear it, let it go and give it away
°  Gather the items that need a button or alteration and get it done
°  Put things of beauty in your closet—favorite photos or pieces of art

Don’t be concerned with the time it will take to have your closet organized the way you want. In the long run it will save you a lot of energy and money. I know this seems like a difficult process but it doesn’t have to be. My clients and I have a lot of fun and joy working together on this project. It really can be effortless, and you will bring lots of happiness to those who will love what you have let go of.

You can see our Before and After gallery here.
